Shivering ‘as Good As Exercise’ For Producing Brown Fat

Lady shivering

Lee. From this, the researchers discovered that shivering muscle releases hormone called irisin, while brown fat exposed to cold environments releases a hormone called FGF21. Explaining the hormones’ activity, Dr. Lee says: “These hormones fired up the energy-burning rate of human white fat cells in the laboratory, and the treated fat cells began to emit heat – a hallmark of brown fat function.” Exercises mimics shivering The investigators point out that a research team from Harvard University first discovered irisin in 2012, identifying it as a muscle hormone that was triggered by exercise that turned white fat into brown fat.
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Fascinating Study Reveals What Your Brain Looks like on Exercise

Nearly one-fourth of them qualify as sleepy using a standard excessive sleepiness clinical screening measure. One in seven non-exercisers reported having trouble staying awake while driving, eating or engaging in social activity at least once a week in the past two weeks, almost three times the rate of those who exercise. They also had more symptoms of sleep apnea, which often include fatigue, snoring and high blood pressure, and which increases the risk for heart disease and stroke. To improve your sleep, try the following sleep tips: Exercise regularly. Vigorous exercise is best, but even light exercise is better than no activity.
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Exercise has healthy benefits when it comes to sleep

So, basically, through these test rats, we’re starting to see on a very fundamental level the cellular changes that a sedentary life probably leads to in our brains and what that means for the physical changes that happen in our bodies. And it’s not pretty. It is inefficient and ineffective, overcrowded and overstimulated. In contrast, it looks as though the “brain on exercise” is able to stay trim, efficient, and decluttered, just as the body on exercise is able to do. It may not be the “sexiest” motivation for leading an active lifestyle (I find that attempting to solve the world’s – or at least p90X3 workouts my family’s – problems on my daily run is much more compelling), but it certainly does give better understanding of why our bodies develop so many problems if we don’t take care of them.
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